110 Positive Affirmations For Kids and their Well Being (2024)


4 min read

Here is a list of 110 positive affirmations for kids to help your child's all-round development and shape them to be happy, confident individuals.

110 Positive Affirmations For Kids and their Well Being (1)

I found out about positive affirmations in my late teens and they have been quite helpful for me in building self-esteem, dealing with negative thoughts, and becoming a more loving friend to myself. I wish I had found them much sooner.

Here is a list of 110 positive affirmations for kids to ensure that they receive something that can create a strong and empowering foundation for the rest of their life.

Positive affirmations are one of the most-loved parts of my FREE 💗 21-day Self Love Course. Students experience guided affirmations audio sessions every day ranging from topics like self-love, confidence, self-acceptance, self-worth, etc.

Listen to more such affirmations on Gratitude app

How to use positive affirmations for kids

  1. Paste post-it notes on your fridge and encourage your child to take a look at them regularly.
  2. Leave notes in their tiffin box with positive affirmations.
  3. Have painting sessions where they draw these affirmations. Frame it and hang it up on a wall the child frequently spends time around.
  4. Ask them to keep a journal where they write these affirmations and do the same yourself.
  5. Take out 5 minutes every day to sit together and repeat these affirmations. You can also use our Gratitude app which lets you write, record, and play your affirmations.
  6. Remind them of these affirmations in relevant situations so that they pick up the habit of practicing them.

Ready? Here are your 110 positive affirmations for kids:

Positive Affirmations For Kids

  1. Everything is fine.
  2. My voice matters.
  3. I accept myself for who I am.
  4. I am building my future.
  5. I choose to think positively.
  6. My happiness is up to me.
  7. I start with a positive mindset.
  8. Anything is possible.
  9. I radiate positive energy.
  10. Wonderful things are going to happen to me.
  11. I can take deep breaths.
  12. With every breath, I feel stronger.
  13. I only compare myself to myself.
  14. I can do anything.
  15. It is enough to do my best.
  16. I can be anything I want to be.
  17. I accept who I am.
  18. I believe in myself.
  19. I am proud of myself.
  20. I deserve to be happy.
  21. I am free to make my own choices.
  22. I deserve to be loved.
  23. I can make a difference.
  24. Today I am a leader.
  25. I forgive myself for my mistakes.
  26. My challenges help me grow.
  27. I am perfect just the way I am.
  28. My mistakes help me learn and grow.
  29. I get better every single day.
  30. I am an amazing person.
  31. My thoughts and feelings are important.
  32. I know right from wrong.
  33. I can learn anything I put my mind to.
  34. I engage in small acts of kindness to uplift other people.
  35. I have a big heart.
  36. My life is beautiful.
  37. I love myself just as I love others.
  38. I am safe and cared for.
  39. I can ask for support.
  40. I can’t control other people, but I can control how I respond to them.
  41. There are many exciting experiences awaiting me.
  42. I can find humor in the day-to-day.
  43. I am a good listener.
  44. I can ask for a hug when I’m sad.
  45. I would want to be my friend.

Positive Affirmations for Kids about Confidence

  1. I believe in myself.
  2. I am healthy and happy.
  3. I am smart and do great at school.
  4. I am full of great ideas and thoughts.
  5. I have the power to create anything I desire.
  6. I am playful, fun, and creative.
  7. I am unique and special.
  8. I have the confidence to be myself.
  9. My life is fun and filled with joy.
  10. I am proud of the person I am becoming.
  11. I am safe, protected, and loved.
  12. I love making new friends.
  13. I deserve good things to happen in my life.
  14. I am a fast learner.
  15. I love to learn new things.
  16. I make learning fun and creative.
  17. I have a strong focus and sharp memory.
  18. I can do anything I set my mind to.
  19. I easily pick up on new information.
  20. I have an unlimited potential within me.
  21. I have many talents.
  22. I have amazing abilities.
  23. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  24. I am wonderful just as I am.
  25. I feel happy and excited to experience new things.

Morning Positive Affirmations for Kids

  1. I am so happy to be alive.
  2. I am looking forward to today.
  3. I am grateful for my family.
  4. I am excited to go to school.
  5. I believe in myself.
  6. I am a caring person.
  7. I am ready to start the day.
  8. Life is a beautiful gift.
  9. I am surrounded by positive and loving people.
  10. I will make the most of this day.

Related: Top 20 Feel-Good Quotes to Make Your Day

Positive Affirmations for Kids about Self Esteem

  1. I am brave.
  2. I am smart.
  3. I matter.
  4. I am proud of myself.
  5. I am important.
  6. I am appreciated.
  7. I am creative.
  8. I am patient.
  9. My opinion matters.
  10. I am valued.
  11. I am honest.
  12. I am helpful.
  13. I am determined.
  14. I am a good friend.
  15. I am blessed.
  16. I am loved.
  17. My ideas are valued.
  18. I am happy.
  19. Today, I will shine.
  20. My future is bright.

Related: 100 Self-Love Affirmations for Higher Self-Esteem

Positive Affirmations to Say to Your Child

  1. You can always feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, ideas, and feelings.
  2. You are accepted and loved for who you are.
  3. You deserve the best things in the world.
  4. You are loved, protected, and safe.
  5. You will always have support for achieving your goals and realizing your dreams.
  6. You will make a positive impact on the world.
  7. You are a wonderful human being and people around you are blessed to have you in their lives.
  8. You are a natural winner.
  9. The world is full of endless possibilities.
  10. Your voice is always heard with respect and equal value.

Continue Reading: 7 Ways to Be a Good Friend to Yourself From Today

110 Positive Affirmations For Kids and their Well Being (4)

110 Positive Affirmations For Kids and their Well Being (5)

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.

110 Positive Affirmations For Kids  and their Well Being (2024)


What is the respect mantra for kids? ›

"I am worthy of respect, and I will treat others with kindness." Teach your child the importance of mutual respect and empathy. This mantra encourages them to treat others with kindness, just as they wish to be treated.

Are daily affirmations good for kids? ›

Positive affirmations help kids (and adults!) to improve themselves, accept themselves, and achieve their dreams. Yes, they're amaZING! Positive affirmations helps kids to gain confidence, contributes to a growth mindset, and helps kids to truly believe in themselves.

How positive affirmations enhance wellbeing? ›

Embrace affirmations as a part of your daily routine to support your overall mental and emotional wellbeing. Phrases such as “I deserve my own care and attention” can help promote a holistic approach to your health. 💙 Affirming yourself positively is an important part of self-care.

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Positive affirmations for kids about self-esteem

I am important and special. I can be a positive leader to others. I am proud of myself and my accomplishments. Mistakes help me learn and grow.

What are the 3 P of affirmations? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

What is the mantra for child success and protection? ›

"Om tryambakam yajamahe, sugandhim pushthivardhanam; Urvarukamiva bandhanan, Mrityor Mukshiya maamritat.

What is our Montessori mantra? ›

Follow the child” is a beautiful, perfect, profound, and frequently used Montessori mantra. Those three words — a foundational element of the Montessori system — are backed by science, proven by generations of children, and consistently revered by families around the world.

What are the 3 main mantras to be successful in life? ›

While there are many different factors that contribute to a balanced life, my three mantras stand out are: time management, people management, and money management.

How do you use positive affirmations with children? ›

Spend some time with your child every week to hold their hands and look into their eyes as you say positive affirmations to them. Create an affirmation board with your child, adding positive pictures and these affirmation cards to it and putting it up somewhere in their room – somewhere they can see it every day.

Why do positive affirmations work for kids? ›

As our children learn behaviours and wire their brains, positive affirmations can be very effective in nurturing their wellbeing. Affirming positive messages are like acts of kindness and love towards themselves that build self-esteem and self-belief.

Why are positive affirmations good for kids? ›

Positive affirmations are like acts of kindness and love towards yourself! As children learn behaviors and wire their brain, affirmations can be very effective in nurturing their well-being and mental health as they mature. They build self-esteem, kindness, and love that stays with them throughout their lives.

What are powerful affirmations to say daily? ›

I am constantly growing and evolving into a better person. I'm freeing myself from all destructive doubt and fear. I accept myself for who I am and create peace, power and confidence of mind and of heart. I am going to forgive myself and free myself.

Can affirmations help mental health? ›

As a meta-analysis in Health Psychology shows, using affirmations can help people to make positive changes when it comes to their health. By using affirmations in your daily routine, you can start to experience the many benefits of this powerful tool for your mental health and wellbeing.

What are positive words for mental health? ›

The top 10 positive & impactful synonyms for “mental health” are emotional well-being, psychological health, mind wellness, mental resilience, inner harmony, cognitive well-being, emotional fitness, psychological wellness, mindfulness, and emotional equilibrium.

What is a daily affirmation for a 6 year old girl? ›

I believe in me.” “I like myself.” “I'm going to have a good day.” “I choose to feel happy.”

What top 3 affirmations are you going to start using? ›

3 Affirmations Successful People Repeat Every Day
  • I expect to win. I deserve to win.
  • I will not care what other people think.
  • I can't do everything today, but I can take one small step.
Apr 4, 2016

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.