The hospital bag checklist you need + packing tips | TeriLyn Adams (2024)

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Here’s what I packed in my hospital bag for my c-section and post-delivery, along with what I packed for our baby and what my husband brought.

Our baby has arrived and we‘re totally in love! Below I’m sharing what I packed for our hospital stay. I ended up having a C-section, so while I’m leaving the labor-specific things in this post since I still packed them (and loved them for my first delivery), I am also including a list of C-section essentials, now that I have that experience too.

Packing for the hospital this time around was much less chaotic. As a first time mom with Thomas, I had no idea what I’d need and so I consulted as many people as possible. I ended up mostly referencing the hospital bag packing list from my doula since she has been along for thousands of births and it was SUPER helpful.

For this go ’round, I felt more equipped and had a better idea of what I wanted to have with me. My list didn’t change a ton, but there were a few additions which I’ve noted below. I have a video of packing below or if you prefer, you can also watch the hospital bag packing video on YouTube itself.

The hospital bag checklist you need + packing tips | TeriLyn Adams (1)
The hospital bag checklist you need + packing tips | TeriLyn Adams (2)

Hospital bag checklist for mom, dad and baby

Something I learned from my doula last time was to pack two bags: one for things I’d want during labor and one for things I’d use after delivery. That way, if/when you move rooms, it’s less to pack up. This time, instead of two separate bags, everything went into one bag, but I used two different packing cubes to keep things separate. The weekender bag I brought is bigger than my bag last time, so I just didn’t need two full bags. I also knew I was going to use some things for both labor (or in my case, C-section) and post-delivery, so one bag was a little easier.

All of my thing for the baby went in another separate bag, but I didn’t bring a lot for baby boy #2 since I knew I’ve have a lot of hospital supplies to take home (postpartum things). Tommy packed a bag as well, so we had 3 bags in total.

Okay, here’s what I packed in our hospital bag for baby #2! If you’d like a PDF checklist that you can print emailed directly to you, click here!

Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom

Weekender Bag

I brought my favorite Weekender bag from ShortyLove as my duffle. It’s VERY big – like actually big enough to fit things you’d need for a few nights away. The quality is top notch too.

Here’s what went in it. Some of these things the hospital does provide (like a labor gown or peri bottle), but I learned last time that I preferred mine over what the hospital had.

What I packed for Labor

What I packed for my C-section

  • LAKE Cotton Tank Night Gown – This was my favorite by FAR post C-section. It made nursing so much easier (just pull the straps down), and didn’t put any pressure on my incision. I wish I had 2-3 of these. I love LAKE Pajamas – I shared all of the sets I have and sizing details in this post.
  • Wedge Pillow – A MUST. Maybe bring two.
  • Water bottle without a straw
  • Frida C-section disposable undies – I used the hospital undies for the first few days, then switched to these.
  • Baobei Undies – After wearing the Frida C-section underwear for a few days, I switched to these.



All of these items are going in my beloved Amazon Toiletry bag. It holds SO MUCH STUFF.

Some of this (e.g. makeup and dry shampoo) is for post-delivery, but I want all my toiletries in one place in my toiletry bag.

Miscellaneous Items

Hospital Bag Checklist for Baby

Hospital Bag Checklist for Dad

  • Toiletries + toothbrush
  • PJs
  • Pillow with non-white pillow case
  • Change of clothes
  • Slippers
  • Wallet

I hope this helps if you’re planning for your upcoming delivery and your newborn’s arrival! And if you have any questions, leave a comment and I’m happy to share my experience!

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The hospital bag checklist you need + packing tips | TeriLyn Adams (3)

The hospital bag checklist you need + packing tips | TeriLyn Adams (2024)


What do men need in hospital bag? ›

Partner or Dad's Hospital Bag Checklist

Change of clothes: comfy clothes recommended, such as sweatpants, t-shirts, and pajamas. Cozy footwear: comfortable shoes such as sneakers, Crocs, or other slip-ons. Sleep accessories: your own pillow and blankets from home.

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Too many clothes.

You'll likely be in your nightgown for most of your stay, so you won't need a lot of clothes. Pack a going-home outfit that is comfortable and easy to put on, like leggings and a loose shirt.

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Pillow & blanket: These items are notoriously subpar at most hospitals. Bring your comfiest pillow and blanket, but leave them in the closet or the car until the task at hand is complete. This will help ensure that they are fresh and clean for when you need them most during recovery!

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When Should You Pack Your Hospital Bag? You should have your hospital bag ready to go between weeks 32 and 35 of your pregnancy, in case your baby comes a bit earlier than expected. A good time to start the packing process is around the 28 week mark, or at the start of your 3rd trimester.

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Clothing. Fresh underwear, a clean shirt, and a pair of socks should be sufficient to keep you feeling clean and ready for anything. It also might be wise to include a warm sweatshirt in case the room is a little cool. Parents in labor often feel warm and may turn the thermostat down in order to keep cool.

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During a c-section

You can usually stay with your partner during a planned or emergency c-section unless they need a general anaesthetic. The midwife or operating assistant will give you a top, trousers and hat to wear in the operating theatre. This is for hygiene reasons.

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When it comes to letting your partner stay the night after you've given birth - hospital policies vary. Some don't allow it at all, some let the dads stay if you're in a private room, and we've even heard of some where the dads are allowed to stay - but NOT to fall asleep.

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Studies suggest giving birth is the equivalent to running a marathon in terms of energy output, (and can actually result in similar injuries, but let's not go there right now!) so it makes sense to wear a bra and/or clothing fit for exertion and perspiration.

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"In most cases, it's okay to wear your regular clothes postpartum. You don't have to stay in the hospital gown," says Dr. Alrahmani. Choose a loose, comfortable set of PJs that are either sleeveless or have short, loose sleeves so that your blood pressure can be checked easily.

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Along with comfortable clothing, you should also have comfortable footwear such as slippers or flip-flops. Most hospitals have showers so make sure to bring flip-flops to wear in the shower if you prefer. You will need to bring toiletries such as a hairbrush, toothbrush, and toothpaste.

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The hospital provides breast pumps, so there's no need to bring yours, assuming you know how to use it. One reason to bring it, however, would be if you'd like a lesson in using it.

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Shortness of breath while lying down.

To gauge the severity of this symptom, doctors often ask people how many pillows they need to lie on to avoid feeling short of breath in bed. For example, "three-pillow" orthopnea is worse than "two-pillow" orthopnea, because you have less tolerance for lying flat.

How many outfits should I pack in my hospital bag? ›

We suggest packing two or three different coming-home outfits for the baby in case you don't know what size they will be at birth. Make sure the outfits are weather-appropriate and easy to put on and take off. Socks and a hat should all be included to keep your baby warm and comfortable.

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In conclusion, a new mom in the hospital will appreciate any gift that can make her stay more comfortable and relaxed. Gifts like a cozy robe, slippers, nursing pillow, blanket, and compression socks can help her feel more at home.

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A large suitcase or duffel bag for you and a small one for your partner will help keep all of your items organized. Many moms also recommend bringing an empty duffel bag along to the hospital as well for all of the diapers, supplies and samples that the hospital may give you to make transporting everything home easier.

Do I need to bring diapers and wipes to the hospital? ›

One thing that many moms say you DON'T need to worry about packing is a lot of diapers and wipes unless you plan to use a very specific kind. The hospital will provide plenty of diapers and wipes for you to use during your stay and you can usually bring some home with you as well.

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.